#!/usr/bin/env bash usage() { cat << EOF GAM installation script. OPTIONS: -h show help. -d Directory where gam folder will be installed. Default is \$HOME/bin/ -a Architecture to install (i386, x86_64, x86_64_legacy, arm, arm64). Default is to detect your arch with "uname -m". -o OS we are running (linux, macos). Default is to detect your OS with "uname -s". -b OS version. Default is to detect on MacOS and Linux. -l Just upgrade GAM to latest version. Skips project creation and auth. -p Profile update (true, false). Should script add gam command to environment. Default is true. -u Admin user email address to use with GAM. Default is to prompt. -r Regular user email address. Used to test service account access to user data. Default is to prompt. -v Version to install (latest, prerelease, draft, 3.8, etc). Default is latest. -s Strip gam component from extracted files, files will be downloaded directly to $target_dir EOF } target_dir="$HOME/bin" target_gam="gam7/gam" gamarch=$(uname -m) gamos=$(uname -s) osversion="" update_profile=true upgrade_only=false gamversion="latest" adminuser="" regularuser="" strip_gam="--strip-components 0" while getopts "hd:a:o:b:lp:u:r:v:s" OPTION do case $OPTION in h) usage; exit;; d) target_dir="$OPTARG";; a) gamarch="$OPTARG";; o) gamos="$OPTARG";; b) osversion="$OPTARG";; l) upgrade_only=true;; p) update_profile="$OPTARG";; u) adminuser="$OPTARG";; r) regularuser="$OPTARG";; v) gamversion="$OPTARG";; s) strip_gam="--strip-components 1"; target_gam="gam";; ?) usage; exit;; esac done # remove possible / from end of target_dir target_dir=${target_dir%/} update_profile() { [ "$2" -eq 1 ] || [ -f "$1" ] || return 1 grep -F "$alias_line" "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo_yellow "Adding gam alias to profile file $1." echo -e "\n$alias_line" >> "$1" else echo_yellow "gam alias already exists in profile file $1. Skipping add." fi } echo_red() { echo -e "\x1B[1;31m$1" echo -e '\x1B[0m' } echo_green() { echo -e "\x1B[1;32m$1" echo -e '\x1B[0m' } echo_yellow() { echo -e "\x1B[1;33m$1" echo -e '\x1B[0m' } version_gt() { # MacOS < 10.13 doesn't support sort -V echo "" | sort -V > /dev/null 2>&1 vsort_failed=$? if [ "${1}" = "${2}" ]; then true elif (( $vsort_failed != 0 )); then false else test "$(printf '%s\n' "$@" | sort -V | head -n 1)" != "$1" fi } if [ "$gamversion" == "latest" ]; then release_url="https://api.github.com/repos/GAM-team/GAM/releases/latest" elif [ "$gamversion" == "prerelease" -o "$gamversion" == "draft" ]; then release_url="https://api.github.com/repos/GAM-team/GAM/releases" else release_url="https://api.github.com/repos/GAM-team/GAM/releases/tags/v$gamversion" fi if [ -z ${GHCLIENT+x} ]; then check_type="unauthenticated" curl_opts=( ) else check_type="authenticated" curl_opts=( "$GHCLIENT" ) fi curl_ver=$(curl --version|head -1|cut -d " " -f 2) if [[ "${curl_ver:0:4}" < "7.76" ]]; then curl_fail=( ) else curl_fail=( "--fail-with-body" ) fi echo_yellow "Checking GitHub URL $release_url for $gamversion GAM release ($check_type)..." release_json=$(curl \ --silent \ "${curl_opts[@]}" \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \ "$release_url" \ "${curl_fail[@]}") curl_exit_code=$? if [ $curl_exit_code -ne 0 ]; then echo_red "ERROR retrieving URL: ${release_json}" exit else echo_green "done" fi echo_yellow "Calculating download URL for this device..." # Python is sadly the nearest to universal way to safely handle JSON with Bash # At least this code should be compatible with just about any Python version ever # unlike GAM itself. If some users don't have Python we can try grep / sed / etc # but that gets really ugly pycode="import json import sys attrib = sys.argv[1] gamversion = sys.argv[2] release = json.load(sys.stdin) if type(release) is list: for a_release in release: if a_release['prerelease'] and gamversion != 'prerelease': continue elif a_release['draft'] and gamversion != 'draft': continue release = a_release break try: for asset in release['assets']: print(asset[attrib]) #else: # print('ERROR: Attribute: {0} for version {1} not found'.format(attrib, gamversion)) except KeyError: print('ERROR: assets value not found in JSON value of:\n\n%s' % release)" pycmd="python3" $pycmd -V >/dev/null 2>&1 rc=$? if (( $rc != 0 )); then pycmd="python" fi $pycmd -V >/dev/null 2>&1 rc=$? if (( $rc != 0 )); then pycmd="/usr/bin/python3" fi $pycmd -V >/dev/null 2>&1 rc=$? if (( $rc != 0 )); then pycmd="python2" fi $pycmd -V >/dev/null 2>&1 rc=$? if (( $rc != 0 )); then echo_red "ERROR: No version of python installed." exit fi # also sort the URLs once so we're evaluating newest OS version first download_urls=$(echo "$release_json" | \ $pycmd -c "$pycode" browser_download_url "$gamversion" | \ sort --version-sort --reverse) if [[ ${download_urls:0:5} = "ERROR" ]]; then echo_red "${download_urls}" exit fi case $gamos in [lL]inux) gamos="linux" download_urls=$(echo -e "$download_urls" | grep "\-linux-") if [ "$osversion" == "" ]; then this_glibc_ver=$(ldd --version | awk '/ldd/{print $NF}') else this_glibc_ver=$osversion fi echo "This Linux distribution uses glibc $this_glibc_ver" case $gamarch in x86_64) download_urls=$(echo -e "$download_urls" | grep "\-x86_64-") gam_x86_64_glibc_vers=$(echo -e "$download_urls" | \ grep --only-matching 'glibc[0-9\.]*\.tar\.xz$' \ | cut -c 6-9 ) useglibc="legacy" for gam_glibc_ver in $gam_x86_64_glibc_vers; do if version_gt $this_glibc_ver $gam_glibc_ver; then useglibc="glibc$gam_glibc_ver" echo_green "Using GAM compiled against $useglibc" break fi done download_url=$(echo -e "$download_urls" | grep "$useglibc") ;; arm|arm64|aarch64) download_urls=$(echo -e "$download_urls" | grep "\-aarch64-") gam_arm64_glibc_vers=$(echo -e "$download_urls" | \ grep --only-matching 'glibc[0-9\.]*\.tar\.xz$' | \ cut -c 6-9) useglibc="legacy" for gam_glibc_ver in $gam_arm64_glibc_vers; do if version_gt $this_glibc_ver $gam_glibc_ver; then useglibc="glibc$gam_glibc_ver" echo_green "Using GAM compiled against $useglibc" break fi done download_url=$(echo -e "$download_urls" | grep "$useglibc") ;; *) echo_red "ERROR: this installer currently only supports x86_64 and arm64 Linux. Looks like you're running on $gamarch. Exiting." exit esac ;; [Mm]ac[Oo][sS]|[Dd]arwin) gamos="macos" currentversion=$(sw_vers -productVersion | awk -F '.' '{print $1 "." $2}') # override osversion only if it wasn't set by cli arguments osversion=${osversion:-${currentversion}} # override osversion only if it wasn't set by cli arguments download_urls=$(echo -e "$download_urls" | grep "\-macos") case $gamarch in x86_64) archgrep="\-x86_64" ;; arm|arm64|aarch64) archgrep="\-aarch64" ;; *) echo_red "ERROR: this installer currently only supports x86_64 and arm64 MacOS. Looks like you're running on ${gamarch}. Exiting." exit ;; esac gam_macos_urls=$(echo -e "$download_urls" | \ grep "$archgrep") versionless_urls=$(echo -e "$gam_macos_urls" | \ grep "\-macos-") if [ "$versionless_urls" == "" ]; then # versions after 7.00.38 include MacOS version info gam_macos_vers=$(echo -e "$gam_macos_urls" | \ grep --only-matching '\-macos[0-9\.]*' | \ cut -c 7-10) for gam_mac_ver in $gam_macos_vers; do if version_gt $currentversion $gam_mac_ver; then download_url=$(echo -e "$gam_macos_urls" | grep "$gam_mac_ver") echo_green "You are running MacOS ${currentversion} Using GAM compiled against ${gam_mac_ver}" break fi done if [ -z ${download_url+x} ]; then echo_red "Sorry, you are running MacOS ${osversion} but GAM on ${gamarch} requires MacOS ${gam_mac_ver} or newer. Exiting." exit fi else # versions 7.00.38 and older don't include version info case $gamarch in x86_64) minimum_version=13 download_url=$(echo -e "$download_urls" | grep "\-x86_64") ;; arm|arm64|aarch64) download_url=$(echo -e "$download_urls" | grep "\-aarch64") minimum_version=14 ;; esac if version_gt "$osversion" "$minimum_version"; then echo_green "You are running MacOS ${osversion}, good. Downloading GAM from ${download_url}." else echo_red "Sorry, you are running MacOS ${osversion} but GAM on ${gamarch} requires MacOS ${minimum_version}. Exiting." exit fi if [ -z ${download_url+x} ]; then echo_red "Sorry, you are running MacOS ${currentversion} but GAM on ${gamarch} requires MacOS ${minimum_version}. Exiting." exit fi fi ;; MINGW64_NT*) gamos="windows" echo "You are running Windows" download_url=$(echo -e "$download_urls" | \ grep "\-windows-" | \ grep ".zip") ;; *) echo_red "Sorry, this installer currently only supports Linux and MacOS. Looks like you're running on ${gamos}. Exiting." exit ;; esac # Temp dir for archive temp_archive_dir=$(mktemp -d 2>/dev/null || mktemp -d -t 'mytmpdir') # Clean up after ourselves even if we are killed with CTRL-C trap "rm -rf $temp_archive_dir" EXIT # hack to grab the end of the URL which should be the filename. name=$(echo -e "$download_url" | rev | cut -f1 -d "/" | rev) echo_yellow "Downloading ${download_url} to $temp_archive_dir ($check_type)..." # Save archive to temp w/o losing our path (cd "$temp_archive_dir" && curl -O -L -s "${curl_opts[@]}" "$download_url") mkdir -p "$target_dir" echo_yellow "Deleting contents of $target_dir/gam7/lib" rm -frv "$target_dir/gam7/lib" echo_yellow "Extracting archive to $target_dir" if [[ "$name" =~ tar.xz|tar.gz|tar ]]; then tar $strip_gam -xf "$temp_archive_dir"/"$name" -C "$target_dir" elif [[ "$name" == *.zip ]]; then unzip -o "${temp_archive_dir}/${name}" -d "${target_dir}" else echo "I don't know what to do with files like ${name}. Giving up." exit 1 fi rc=$? if (( $rc != 0 )); then echo_red "ERROR: extracting the GAM archive with tar failed with error $rc. Exiting." exit else echo_green "Finished extracting GAM archive." fi # Update profile to add gam command if [ "$update_profile" = true ]; then alias_line="alias gam=\"${target_dir// /\\ }/$target_gam\"" if [ "$gamos" == "linux" ]; then update_profile "$HOME/.bash_aliases" 0 || update_profile "$HOME/.bash_profile" 0 || update_profile "$HOME/.bashrc" 0 update_profile "$HOME/.zshrc" 0 elif [ "$gamos" == "macos" ]; then update_profile "$HOME/.bash_aliases" 0 || update_profile "$HOME/.bash_profile" 0 || update_profile "$HOME/.bashrc" 0 || update_profile "$HOME/.profile" 1 update_profile "$HOME/.zshrc" 1 fi else echo_yellow "skipping profile update." fi if [ "$upgrade_only" = true ]; then echo_green "Here's information about your GAM upgrade:" "$target_dir/$target_gam" version extended rc=$? if (( $rc != 0 )); then echo_red "ERROR: Failed running GAM for the first time with return code $rc. Please report this error to GAM mailing list. Exiting." exit fi echo_green "GAM upgrade complete!" exit fi # Set config command #config_cmd="config no_browser false" while true; do read -p "Can you run a full browser on this machine? (usually Y for MacOS, N for Linux if you SSH into this machine) " yn case $yn in [Yy]*) break ;; [Nn]*) # config_cmd="config no_browser true" touch "$target_dir/gam7/nobrowser.txt" > /dev/null 2>&1 break ;; *) echo_red "Please answer yes or no." ;; esac done echo project_created=false while true; do read -p "GAM is now installed. Are you ready to set up a Google API project for GAM? (yes or no) " yn case $yn in [Yy]*) if [ "$adminuser" == "" ]; then read -p "Please enter your Google Workspace admin email address: " adminuser fi # "$target_dir/$target_gam" $config_cmd create project $adminuser "$target_dir/$target_gam" create project $adminuser rc=$? if (( $rc == 0 )); then echo_green "Project creation complete." project_created=true break else echo_red "Project creation failed. Trying again. Say N to skip project creation." fi ;; [Nn]*) echo -e "\nYou can create an API project later by running:\n\ngam create project\n" break ;; *) echo_red "Please answer yes or no." ;; esac done admin_authorized=false while $project_created; do read -p "Are you ready to authorize GAM to perform Google Workspace management operations as your admin account? (yes or no) " yn case $yn in [Yy]*) # "$target_dir/$target_gam" $config_cmd oauth create $adminuser "$target_dir/$target_gam" oauth create $adminuser rc=$? if (( $rc == 0 )); then echo_green "Admin authorization complete." admin_authorized=true break else echo_red "Admin authorization failed. Trying again. Say N to skip admin authorization." fi ;; [Nn]*) echo -e "\nYou can authorize an admin later by running:\n\ngam oauth create\n" break ;; *) echo_red "Please answer yes or no." ;; esac done service_account_authorized=false while $admin_authorized; do read -p "Are you ready to authorize GAM to manage Google Workspace user data and settings? (yes or no) " yn case $yn in [Yy]*) if [ "$regularuser" == "" ]; then read -p "Please enter the email address of a regular Google Workspace user: " regularuser fi echo_yellow "Great! Checking service account scopes.This will fail the first time. Follow the steps to authorize and retry. It can take a few minutes for scopes to PASS after they've been authorized in the admin console." # "$target_dir/$target_gam" $config_cmd user $regularuser check serviceaccount "$target_dir/$target_gam" user $regularuser check serviceaccount rc=$? if (( $rc == 0 )); then echo_green "Service account authorization complete." service_account_authorized=true break else echo_red "Service account authorization failed. Confirm you entered the scopes correctly in the admin console. It can take a few minutes for scopes to PASS after they are entered in the admin console so if you're sure you entered them correctly, go grab a coffee and then hit Y to try again. Say N to skip admin authorization." fi ;; [Nn]*) echo -e "\nYou can authorize a service account later by running:\n\ngam user $adminuser check serviceaccount\n" break ;; *) echo_red "Please answer yes or no." ;; esac done echo_green "Here's information about your new GAM installation:" #"$target_dir/$target_gam" $config_cmd save version extended "$target_dir/$target_gam" version extended rc=$? if (( $rc != 0 )); then echo_red "ERROR: Failed running GAM for the first time with $rc. Please report this error to GAM mailing list. Exiting." exit fi echo_green "GAM installation and setup complete!" if [ "$update_profile" = true ]; then echo_green "Please restart your terminal shell or to get started right away run:\n\n$alias_line" fi